Summersett Baptist Church was built and organized on Towler’s Farm in Pittsville, Virginia in 1842. It became a member of the Roanoke Baptist Association. The church had several pastors before Rev. J.W. Barbour became pastor and he served the church for 35 years.
Rev. Barbour was the pastor when the church building burned in 1894. All of the church records were lost in the fire. While waiting for the new church to be built, our worship services were held in a school building. A committee was formed to secure the necessary money and location for a new building. A new church was built on property donated by Amsted D. Rorer. The neighbors of the Brights community built the new church. Over the years there have been many changes to the church building. The log foundation was replaced with cinder blocks. The inside walls were paneled and Sunday school rooms were added.
Summersett Baptist Church became a member of the Staunton River Baptist Association when it was organized in the early 1950’s. Today 23 churches comprise the association. The most recent long tenured pastor was Rev. Burt Johnson who served Summersett for 31 years, from 1977 through 2008. Rev. Johnson saw the Lord bless Summersett with growth and church expansion which is a great testimony to his ministry. The Lord used brother Johnson to lead Summersett in many areas of spreading the gospel message of Jesus Christ.
Under Rev. Bert Johnson’s ministry a new sanctuary was built in 1984. Under the guidance of Aaron Vasser and with the help of the church members the project was complete and the dedication service was held on May 19, 1985. In 1991 the need for further expansion was prayed for and the Lord again blessed Summerset with the addition of new restrooms, carpet, and a handicap ramp. In recent years the church continues to grow and celebrate the Lord’s blessings with new carpet in the sanctuary and a new sound and media room that enables our church services to be reproduced for our nursing home and shut-in family.
God has greatly blessed us at Summersett Baptist Church. Our prayer is that our church will be a ministering church to our community and the world. Most of all that it will always be a soul-winning church for Jesus Christ!!